Tuesday, July 26, 2011

women's ordination causing trouble in Germany...

Well, it looks like I'll be going to Oberursel during some rather turbulent times for our sister synod, the SELK.  Their church body has historically been opposed to women's ordination on the basis of the clearing teaching of Scripture, but recent events have demonstrated that there is a fair amount of dissension to that position within the SELK.  If the dissenters have their way and achieve tolerance of women's ordination in the SELK, it could mean the end of our (the LCMS's) fellowship with them.  Read more about it here:


Saturday, July 2, 2011

my first post...

This is mostly just a test post to see how it will look on my blog...
doo de doo de doo...  la de da de da...
Did you know I'm going to get an 8 week break in the Spring between semesters?!